There's nothing wrong with that thinking. Unfortunately, I made mistakes which many people made, let me summarize at here.
- I simply tried to read Chapter 1 too deep. TAOCP Chapter 1 gives a general introduction of computer science. This introduction is not gentle. In a way, it brings the reader to the frontier of each of these basic topics. (So if you go deep for TAOCP in one section, you are likely to be a deep experts in a field.) This is too difficult for me (or perhaps for many) to finish.
- I was scared by MIX. This is simply a bias. At that time I was crazily in love with C and has a lot of prejudice. I have since changed.
- I tried to read other CS text. Ah, one of my biggest problems, after reading something and have success, I liked to move on and go for breadth, than depth. Not a good habit for deep subject such as Math and CS.
- At that time, I wasn't proficient in basic programming skill. For example even though I finished a master already, I still have basic misunderstanding why writing good program is a good thing. Experience is my teacher.
- Just like many, I thought TAOCP was meant to be a reference. (Conform to the 99%, Big mistake.)
- I only think about algorithmic problem when I need to. (Conform to the 90%, Biggest mistake)
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